Friday, May 13, 2011

Star Driver Ep 1 - 12

To start in a rather informal fashion, I'll just kinda skip the nitty gritty details of who I am and what I do. I'm an avid anime/manga fan, I got into back in the Toonami craze when Sailor Moon, DBZ and Gundam were the things to watch on Cartoon Network (is there really anything to watch on there now?) I wouldn't classify myself as an otaku since I do have a life outside of anime, but I'm really into it (especially Gundam *drool*

Anyways...I blog for my job but not much for recreation. I don't have many people to share my opinions with, even though I have sooo much to say sometimes. But the past couple of days I started watching Star Driver by BONES on a whim since I was such a big fan of Eureka SeveN, and I realized I really need to vent about this anime. So watch me as I do, and perhaps I'll do a few retro-reviews since I like a lot of older shit.

Going into it...I really was expecting a series that started off lighthearted but then got really darker towards the end, as BONES is good at doing. Now I haven't gotten half way through yet, so perhaps I'm still in for a good surprise...but I'm already getting so tired of this series!

Animation wise it looks great! The music is also a really big pull for me because I love Aqua Timez and the insert hymns are really nice to listen to as well. But that's where my attraction really ends...

At this point, I'm really only watching just to see how this convoluded story turns out. I mean seriously, it couldn't have been more confusing from the first episode :/ I'm all for leaving out key points, but this was too much. Why are these people plotting on an island inhabited by all high school children...and how do masks suddenly make you unable to identify the only green haired person within a 500 mile radius?

However what really gets to me is the REPETITION of this series! How many times do I have to watch the SAME animation over and over again! Every time a fight happens, I have to watch them summon the new mecha, and then Takuto gets Tauburn out and it busts through the wall. Okay, cool for the first two episodes....but on episode 12? It really makes me think of the old Power Rangers show where you'd watch the same animiation of the megazords morphing together. Except that was awesome each time, and this is just annoying?

And as a matter of fact...why the hell do the other characters get caught in ackward moments during Zero Time, like Wako brushing her teeth one time....but yet Takuto is always ready and dressed?

My's really like watching a pot of boiling water. You can't look away because you worry you'll miss the fucker catching the curtains on fire...but yet you feel horrible about staring at it because you realize this is a metafor for your pitiful life.

I will watch it though....because I'm just that frickin cool! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!!